沙茶紅燒牛肉麵 Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup
Alex, Conan and us 雙毛和我們
Continue reading Alex, Conan and us 雙毛和我們
Adding Some Green II Solar Powered Lights 太陽能燈
Got these (decorative light string on the rails + Solar Powered Fence Post Cap Lights Deck) from amazon, and they really work! 🙂
愛地球 Adding Some Green
Love the Earth, add some green to your space.
Continue reading 愛地球 Adding Some Green
沙發床終於到了- Our New sofabed
沙發床終於到了…在客人們都走後 (orz) 。不過書房總算可以當漫畫王了, yay! 雙毛也非常呷意!
Finally, our office room is now guest room convertible. The belated sofabed arrived this week (after all our guests had left), but at least, this space is multi-functional. Alex & Conan love this new addition, too 🙂
窗簾報到 New Shades
Painting the White board (and the Black board)
Some tips for you if you are interested in painting a whiteboard/blackboard for your homes…
Continue reading Painting the White board (and the Black board)