環島計畫 The Trip Planning

環島計畫大綱出來了! First Draft of our round island tour!


細節的部份都還沒有決定,目前鹿港,台南,阿里山的住宿都尚未決定,有推薦的地方請不要客氣喔!有什麼小吃一定要吃的也務必告訴我們!因為我們是紐約土包子啊~ It’s embarrassing to say that we are not that familiar with the towns and tourist spots of Taiwan (but that’s why we are making this trip as our honeymoon!)  It’s hard to plan the trips when you don’t know exactly how far the real distance is, so we decide to settle down where we are staying first.

Continue reading 環島計畫 The Trip Planning

Invitations – Behind the Scene JP生產線直擊報導

Recently, one by one, friends outside of the States had informed us that they’ve got our wedding invitations. We are glad and relieved to hear the compliments- all the cards are truly done with our deepest sincerity. Here are the stories behind the scene.
(We are waiting for the stamps ordered from the website of postal office (it’s been over a week but nothing come yet) – to send out the invitations for friends in the States…Please be patient lol 加州以外的美國朋友們,抱歉我們還在等郵差送郵票來)

台灣,澳洲,歐洲以及加州的捧優們依依傳訊息來告訴我們收到喜帖了,都說很別緻很用心(因為真的是血與淚生出來的啊)。這裡就來分享一下差點引起家變的背後故事 哈哈哈 (JP生產線直擊報導!)

04-Apr-2010 14:32, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 1.7, 20.0mm, 0.125 sec, ISO 100


Continue reading Invitations — Behind the Scene JP生產線直擊報導

Invitations – Sneak Peek

24-Mar-2010 20:46, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 1.7, 20.0mm, 0.077 sec, ISO 400

FOCUS (認真的男兒最帥氣? 呵呵)FOCUS (認真的男兒最帥氣? 呵呵)

FOCUS (認真的男兒最帥氣? 呵呵)23-Mar-2010 21:55, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 1.7, 20.0mm, 0.077 sec, ISO 400

25-Mar-2010 23:37, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 1.7, 20.0mm, 0.04 sec, ISO 400

handmade stickers 
小貼紙是用特殊打洞機打的 一開始抓不到技巧 很難拔handmade stickers
小貼紙是用特殊打洞機打的 一開始抓不到技巧 很難拔

handmade stickers
小貼紙是用特殊打洞機打的 一開始抓不到技巧 很難拔25-Mar-2010 02:12, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 1.7, 20.0mm, 0.04 sec, ISO 400


人果然是會進步的動物!25-Mar-2010 21:39, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 1.7, 20.0mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 400


With lots of labor anticipating, our invitations are finally done and on the way to your mailbox!

在數夜睡眠不足,我們以及好友強尼的大力協助下,我們的喜帖終於在這個禮拜完成寄出了。整個加工過程十分曲折有趣 (明明就只是簡單的卡片到底何難之有?) 既然已經花了這麼多工夫,在此就先賣個關子,但願大家收到的時候,有驚喜的感覺!

Round Island Trip Planning I – 環島計畫

Taiwan Yingge Township
Taipei County, Taiwan 239
Sansia Township
Taipei County, Taiwan 237
Beipu Township
Hsinchu County, Taiwan 314
Taichung City
Lugang Township
Changhua County, Taiwan 505
Chiayi City
Alishan Township
Chiayi County, Taiwan
Sun Moon Lake
Nantou County, Taiwan
Nantou County, Taiwan 546
Tainan City
Kaohsiung City
Pingtung City
Pingtung County, Taiwan
Sandimen Township
Pingtung County, Taiwan
Meinong Township
Kaohsiung County, Taiwan 843
Taitung City
Taitung County, Taiwan
Hualien County
Su-ao Township
Yilan County, Taiwan 270
Yilan County
Taipei County, Taiwan 224
Keelung City
Danshuei Township
Taipei County, Taiwan
Beitou District
Taipei City, Taiwan
Lyudao Township
Taitung County, Taiwan 951
Penghu County

Now, it’s about time planning our “Round Island” trip planning. 該開始計畫環島旅行了! 彰化 南投 嘉義 台東 這一帶要怎麼玩比較順路呢? 請有經驗的人不吝指教分享啊!!

My coworker who recently visited Taiwan, told me that “Taiwan is so under radar. It’s so much fun!”

Continue reading Round Island Trip Planning I — 環島計畫