2Y-3Y Cedric and his balance bike!

We got Cedric a balance bike when he’s about to turn 3.
Kids really learn fast! He’s really fast on his bike now!
我們在元快三歲時敗了一台捷安特push bike給他,真的是很棒的決定~


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T0DoTacYYE Continue reading 2Y-3Y Cedric and his balance bike!

2Y-3Y Singing singing singing

Cedric loves singing since he was very little, and he keeps singing, both real songs and funny songs he made up on his own 🙂
這傢伙很愛唱歌,很小的時候就可以把alphabet song唱完並唱的很準。聽說家族的音樂家叔公小時候就是這樣…不管和天分有沒有關係,愛唱歌是很開心的事~

Love Song King

Continue reading 2Y-3Y Singing singing singing

Hi Toby!

Toby became our family member on June 11, 2016. 家族新成員,偷比(真的很愛偷吃)!
意外的一開始柯南反應很激烈,我真的很怕他以為偷比是一隻橘色的老鼠然後把他吃了lol 還好後來終於還是接受這個很煩的小貓~

First Day

Continue reading Hi Toby!