7M21Ds-22Ds Flying back home & doctor visit
Flying back home sweet home! 回家了! Continue reading 7M21Ds-22Ds Flying back home & doctor visit
With grandparents and great grandparents 阿公阿嬤和阿祖~
Continue reading 7M family time
Cedric tried the rice biscuit for the 1st time, and he’s so excited!
Cedric is small…not only in the States, but also true in Taiwan…
Continue reading 7M Cedric and other babies 節節敗退的元外
Cedric loves kids~ 阿姨家太好玩了~
Continue reading 6M25Ds — a fun day at auntie ivy’s
No more belly crawl 🙂
6M21Ds Cedric crawling 好像分解動作~
Cedric has been trying so hard to stand, and he finally made it!
Continue reading 6M11Ds Cedric Standing 失敗為成功之母!
Cedric loves pear 😀