Cedric started walking 😀
Cedric started walking 😀
Since 11-month-old, Cedric started to do this pole dancing every day, multiple times a day, hahaha. 好喜歡元元的鋼管舞~
一歲了!!!呼… Can’t believe it’s one year already!
Thanks to Karen and Roger, this is one of Cedric’s favorite 🙂 元元情緒還真多變
元元會說“叮!” 在我們家是讓柯南聞手指的意思(叮咚的叮,噗)Cedric asked Conan to smell his finger every time 🙂
Nothing can stop Cedric…ha!
雖然很小但還是玩得很開心~ Cedric enjoyed our little pool 😀
We have a great playground nearby, with lots of toys for Cedric to practice walking.
媽咪的願望就是以後家事就交給他了~ Start training early, ha!