Category: Cedric 黃小子
1Y2M1D Humming 哼哼哈哈
1Y1M29Ds eating the corn on his own 吃玉米
Having the corns on his own for the first time. 第一次吃玉米就上手! Continue reading 1Y1M29Ds eating the corn on his own 吃玉米
1Y1Ms Cedric’s day time jobs 萬能小長工
Continue reading 1Y1Ms Cedric’s day time jobs 萬能小長工
1Y1Ms Cedric’s Fashion Show 元元服裝秀?
1Y1Ms Chasing Conan 醉漢追柯南
1Y1Ms Funny Cedric
So funny…好笑集錦
Continue reading 1Y1Ms Funny Cedric
1Y1Ms Cedric trying new food
Cedric is very picky at food, but he enjoys these!
Continue reading 1Y1Ms Cedric trying new food
1Y1Ms 開始學會假哭 Learned fake crying
或許小朋友會鬧真的是一種天性XD 最近開始肯德基小弟在地上哭鬧的style 並沒有人教他這樣啊~~
Cedric suddenly started to do fake crying or crying on the floor…
1Y1Ms What is Cedric doing after he wakes up? 元元起床後
I did an experiment (!?) – I put a book in Cedric’s crib after he falls asleep and check if he reads them after waking up.
Continue reading 1Y1Ms What is Cedric doing after he wakes up? 元元起床後