雙毛的網站 Alex & Conan at Tumblr


不過要跟大家說,雙毛很時髦的有Tumblr囉!!  請多多支持喔!

Oops, it’s October already!?!  Lots going on lately, will keep everyone posted later 🙂

AND, Alex & Conan got their Tumblr page up!


家有雙毛 Alex & Conan (9) 雙毛打架之柯南咬阿栗


Conan, Alex is not your toy mouse!!

Continue reading 家有雙毛 Alex & Conan (9) 雙毛打架之柯南咬阿栗

家有雙毛 Alex & Conan (7) 好奇活潑的柯南 Curious & vigorous Conan

柯南雖然越來越大,但他還是一隻小貓! 還是一樣活潑好動又好奇 🙂
Conan keeps growing bigger and bigger, but yet he’s still a kitten, curious and lively!

Continue reading 家有雙毛 Alex & Conan (7) 好奇活潑的柯南 Curious & vigorous Conan

家有雙毛 Alex & Conan (2) 百變阿栗 Alex

09-Nov-2010 23:08, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 1.7, 20.0mm, 0.1 sec, ISO 800


Alex’s face looks very different from different angles and expressions…
Continue reading 家有雙毛 Alex & Conan (2) 百變阿栗 Alex