Category: Our Lives
1Y6Ms the fly bike master / dangerous driver
1Y6Ms checking mom’s belly
Cedric loves to check his belly and others’!元很喜歡拍自己的肚子,也喜歡看別人的肚子(而且一定要掀開衣服 lol)
1Y6Ms sliding down on his own
1Y6Ms pretending eating
1Y6Ms Cedric Singing
1Y6Ms Cedric’s secret mission
1Y6Ms mommy vs. the super mario bro theme
終於能彈這首了。但是要錄完一首完整的真的好難… Continue reading 1Y6Ms mommy vs. the super mario bro theme
1Y5Ms Cedric the musician 小小音樂家? Continue reading 1Y5Ms Cedric the musician 小小音樂家?
1Y5Ms love turning Continue reading 1Y5Ms love turning