2Y3Ms “Location”

元元的中文真的算很好~兩歲就會說「xxx的時候」,「是xxx不是ooo,和ooo很像」或是最近已經會用「如果」和「可能」,真的滿厲害的。上禮拜他又讓我們嚇到一次,而且竟然是英文。元元的英文很有限,這是我們特意維持中文教育的原因。雖然他每個禮拜去day care兩天有學到一些英文,但他很害羞,只敢跟我說,在學校只敢說中文XD Continue reading 2Y3Ms “Location”

2Y2Ms Hiding to poop 躲起來嗯嗯

Cedric started to hide when he’s pooping, but now he got upset if he found we’re watching. 元元前一陣子開始會躲起來嗯嗯,但現在連被看到會生氣。究竟要怎麼說服他去廁所呢…

22-Nov-2015 10:31, Apple iPhone 6 Plus, 2.2, 4.15mm, 0.017 sec, ISO 32

Continue reading 2Y2Ms Hiding to poop 躲起來嗯嗯

2Y1M Apple Picking @ Apple Ridge Farm

It’s really fun! They have good variety of apples, and they are really sweet!

24-Oct-2015 15:35, Panasonic DMC-GM1, 4.2, 18.0mm, 0.005 sec, ISO 200

Continue reading 2Y1M Apple Picking @ Apple Ridge Farm

2Y1M 腸病毒 coxackievirus

11-Oct-2015 13:28, Apple iPhone 6 Plus, 2.2, 2.65mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 800

Went to the Toy’s R Us @ Time Square before it shut down. We suspect that’s where Cedric got sick…
趕在時代廣場的玩具反斗城關掉前帶元元去開一下眼界。不過樂極生悲~我們想元元腸病毒應該就是在這裡中獎的… Continue reading 2Y1M 腸病毒 coxackievirus