With grandparents and great grandparents 阿公阿嬤和阿祖~
Continue reading 7M family time
Category: Our Lives
7M17Ds Cedric tried the rice biscuit 第一次吃米果
Cedric tried the rice biscuit for the 1st time, and he’s so excited!
7M16Ds Cedric went swimming with grandpa & grandma
7M Cedric and other babies 節節敗退的元外
Cedric is small…not only in the States, but also true in Taiwan…
Continue reading 7M Cedric and other babies 節節敗退的元外
6M25Ds – a fun day at auntie ivy’s
Cedric loves kids~ 阿姨家太好玩了~
Continue reading 6M25Ds — a fun day at auntie ivy’s
6M21Ds Cedric starts to crawl for real!真的會爬了
No more belly crawl 🙂
6M21Ds Cedric crawling 好像分解動作~
6M11Ds Cedric Standing 失敗為成功之母!
Cedric has been trying so hard to stand, and he finally made it!
Continue reading 6M11Ds Cedric Standing 失敗為成功之母!
6M trying baby food
Cedric loves pear 😀
6M2Ds Master Huang!
Cedric & his piano, hahaha
黃大師! Continue reading 6M2Ds Master Huang!
5M 關於厭奶這件事 Cedric is tired of milk (AGAIN!)
what a nightmare! 厭奶一次就算了,竟然又一回…
Continue reading 5M 關於厭奶這件事 Cedric is tired of milk (AGAIN!)