Semi Round Island Tour – Day 6 半環島之旅 VI Part2 (花東縱谷)



27-Apr-2010 01:30, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 7.1, 14.0mm, 0.003 sec, ISO 400


Continue reading Semi Round Island Tour – Day 6 半環島之旅 VI Part2 (花東縱谷)

Semi Round Island Tour – Day 6 半環島之旅 VI Part1 (綠島)

Lyudao Township
Taitung County, Taiwan 951

第六天。Day 6.
綠島 -> 台東。

26-Apr-2010 21:48, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 10.0, 18.0mm, 0.002 sec, ISO 400

27-Apr-2010 04:10, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 5.0, 14.0mm, 0.004 sec, ISO 400


Part 1 –
Continue reading Semi Round Island Tour – Day 6 半環島之旅 VI Part1 (綠島)

Semi Round Island Tour – Day 5 半環島之旅 V

Lyudao Township
Taitung County, Taiwan 951

第五日。Day 5.
墾丁- > 綠島
Kenting – > Green Island (Lyudao).

25-Apr-2010 20:33, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 11.0, 40.0mm, 0.001 sec, ISO 400

26-Apr-2010 03:28, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 6.3, 14.0mm, 0.003 sec, ISO 400


Continue reading Semi Round Island Tour – Day 5 半環島之旅 V

Semi Round Island Tour – Day 4 半環島之旅 IV

946 Taiwan Pingtung County Hengchun Township鵝鑾鼻 946 Taiwan Pingtung County Hengchun Township墾丁

第四天。Day 4.
Tainan – > Kenting.

24-Apr-2010 21:42, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 10.0, 14.0mm, 0.001 sec, ISO 400

25-Apr-2010 03:57, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 9.0, 14.0mm, 0.001 sec, ISO 400


Continue reading Semi Round Island Tour – Day 4 半環島之旅 IV

Semi Round Island Tour – Day 3 半環島之旅 III

No. 108號, GǔBǎo St, Anping District, Tainan City, Taiwan 708
Anping District, Tainan City, Taiwan 708
Anping District, Tainan City, Taiwan 708
700 Taiwan Tainan City West Central District赤崁樓 700 Taiwan Tainan City West Central District台南車站 No. 72
BǎoĀn Rd, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan 700
Landmark of Tainan

Landmark of Tainan24-Apr-2010 05:44, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 3.5, 14.0mm, 0.167 sec, ISO 800


Day 3 – Tainan.
第三天- 台南。
Continue reading Semi Round Island Tour – Day 3 半環島之旅 III

Semi Round Island Tour – Day 2 半環島之旅 II

546 Taiwan Nantou County Ren-ai Township霧社 Sun Moon Lake
Nantou County, Taiwan
Taichung City

霧社果然名不虛傳的都是霧22-Apr-2010 23:17, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 4.5, 20.0mm, ISO 800

23-Apr-2010 03:13, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 7.1, 14.0mm, 0.003 sec, ISO 400

22-Apr-2010 20:16, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 2.2, 20.0mm, 0.001 sec, ISO 400


The 2nd day, we departed from friend’s house in Taichung, heading to Nantou Puli for buses to Ren-ai Town and Sun Moon Lake.

經過傳統市場 Traditional Day Market經過傳統市場 Traditional Day Market

經過傳統市場 Traditional Day Market22-Apr-2010 20:24, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 1.7, 20.0mm, 0.02 sec, ISO 400

22-Apr-2010 20:25, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 1.7, 20.0mm, 0.01 sec, ISO 400

全航客運到南投 Bus 3 to Nantou全航客運到南投 Bus 3 to Nantou

全航客運到南投 Bus 3 to Nantou22-Apr-2010 20:29, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 1.7, 20.0mm, 0.003 sec, ISO 400

22-Apr-2010 20:30, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 1.7, 20.0mm, 0.002 sec, ISO 400


We hopped on the bus to Puli to start the day. 又是另一家客運公司! Continue reading Semi Round Island Tour – Day 2 半環島之旅 II

Semi Round Island Tour – Day 1 半環島之旅 I

鹿港小鎮 Lugang Township
Changhua County, Taiwan
台中市 Taichung City

After April 19th, the photoshoot, we were supposed to depart for our “pre”-wedding honeymoon (though probably won’t have a post-wedding honeymoon) on the 21st. However, with lots of wedding planning remained unfinished, we postponed the trip one day, and decided to return Taipei 1 day earlier as well. This cut off beautiful Alisan from our plan. > _ < ” We also had to discard the idea taking regular train traveling about, but took HSR (High Speed Rail) + Buses to accomplish our trips. We have to rephrase our trip to “Semi Round Island Tour”.


乘高鐵趕到台中 HSR to Taichung乘高鐵趕到台中 HSR to Taichung

乘高鐵趕到台中 HSR to Taichung22-Apr-2010 02:23, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 2.0, 20.0mm, 0.001 sec, ISO 800

22-Apr-2010 02:24, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 2.5, 20.0mm, 0.001 sec, ISO 800

22-Apr-2010 02:52, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 1.7, 20.0mm, 0.002 sec, ISO 800


About 2:30 PM (yes, PM), we met at the HSR station, and bought tickets to Taichung. Our destination today is LuGang.
Continue reading Semi Round Island Tour — Day 1 半環島之旅 I

05-01-2010 our pre-wedding studio shots

We finally got our studio photo albums one day before the wedding (which was considered last minute). However, it was more fun to see the bride’s maid, Connie, and the flower girl, Yanyan, trying on their dresses in the same afternoon.
在婚禮前一天下午,我們終於拿到婚紗照的 “成品”,但老實說我對當天伴娘和花童試禮服更感興趣 (笑) Continue reading 05-01-2010 our pre-wedding studio shots

The…Photoshoot 婚紗攝影側拍

18-Apr-2010 21:01, Panasonic DMC-GF1, 1.7, 20.0mm, 0.005 sec, ISO 400


Some might have seen the photos of our photoshoot day from facebook. Here are some more detail to share with you. 有些朋友可能已經在我們的臉書看到我們的側拍了,來點解說吧!
Continue reading The…Photoshoot 婚紗攝影側拍