Cedric & his piano, hahaha
黃大師! Continue reading 6M2Ds Master Huang!
Author: pei chien
5M 關於厭奶這件事 Cedric is tired of milk (AGAIN!)
what a nightmare! 厭奶一次就算了,竟然又一回…
Continue reading 5M 關於厭奶這件事 Cedric is tired of milk (AGAIN!)
5M Cedric & Conan 元元和柯南
Conan has been more friendly to Cedric now. 總算比較有交流了(?)
Conan wants to play, too Continue reading 5M Cedric & Conan 元元和柯南
5M Peek-a-boo 躲貓貓
4M-24Ds : : A Busy day for Cedric 小子很忙
Happy mirror time (everyday)
Continue reading 4M-24Ds : : A Busy day for Cedric 小子很忙
4M24Ds Cedric & Conan
4M Love bathing! 好愛洗澡
真的很愛洗澡,或者正確的說是很愛脫光光XD Continue reading 4M Love bathing! 好愛洗澡
5M Cedric loves jumps ‘n jive
Cedric enjoys jumping!
3M26Ds Cedric having fun swimming 游泳真好玩
Cedric hates putting on clothes 黃小子討厭穿衣服
Cedric hates putting on clothes…